The Dance School

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Created by a decree from Louis XIV in 1713, the Paris Opera School of Dance welcomes nearly 150 students each year, who are recruited after a particularly demanding and selective competition, to pass on to them the style and technique of the French School of Dance, to allow them to approach the vast repertoire of the Ballet de l'Opéra de Paris, and to introduce them to the various contemporary languages.

This unique apprenticeship, which places repetition of the gesture and direct transmission from master to student at the heart of the training model, allows dancers from the School to join the Corps de Ballet of the Opéra national de Paris each year following a competition that takes place in July.

As an exceptional institution in terms of its longevity thanks to a succession of remarkable teachers and the product of a long artistic tradition, the Paris Opera School of Dance has been based in Nanterre since 1987. Since 2004, it has been directed by Star dancer Élisabeth Platel.

Each season, the public demonstrations and the show of the School of Dance on the stage of the Palais Garnier are special events during which the public can appreciate the demands of learning to dance. Through this founding experience of the stage, the students present the knowledge necessary for mastering the French School of Dance and give an overview of the other arts and choreographic styles they practice and which complete their training: contemporary dance, folklore, mime, character dance, baroque dance and musical expression.


students in 2023

6 to 8 

years of study, starting at age 9


of the Paris Opera Ballet dancers studied at the Ballet School


pieces featured today in the School’s repertoire

Discover the Cercle Taglioni!


Tax reduction of 66% on French Income Tax or 75% on French Real Estate Wealth Tax.

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  • Flavia et Barden Gale
  • Philippe et Karine Journo
  • Akiko et Tomonori Usui
  • Elisabeth Chandler
  • Laurent et Caroline C. Colombo
  • Fondation Marguerite et Adrien Dassault
  • Claude Suzanne Defforey
  • Artur Falk
  • Fondation Minou Amir-Aslani
  • Dr. Ronaldo Neves de Carvalho
  • Tiphaine et Jean-Philippe Hecketsweiler
  • Yleana Arce Foundation
  • Maria Elizabeth Amorim
  • Paulo et Yolanda Barros Barreto
  • Maria Pia Chagas Marcondes
  • Guilherme Craveiro et Helisa H. Accioly Craveiro
  • Eduardo Mazzilli de Vassimon
  • Mauro Moniz Sodre
  • Ferraz Montenegro
  • Silvane et Fued Sadala
  • Sophie Stabile
  • Stan Zingerenko
  • Certains donateurs ont souhaité rester anonymes